Privacy Protection Policy

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new European law that comes into effect on May 25, 2018.

This is legislation that focuses on how private data belonging to EU citizens is collected, stored and distributed. Everyone must take action before this date. This applies to all companies worldwide that address or work with EU citizens. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, if you deal with EU citizens, you must comply with the GDPR.

It is a non-negotiable regulation. Those who do not follow the regulation will face serious fines.

The rise in popularity of the Internet and other digital systems is causing chaos in terms of personal data being received, stored and distributed. Websites and other digital platforms sometimes require information or permissions to use private data from users. With the advent of GDPR, data collection is not as easy as before. Now you need to give users full control over their data and offer clear, optional and understandable opt-in or opt-out instructions.

There's a lot to take in if you're a business or website owner, but we're sure our GDPR compliance checklist will help.

There may be information that you collect through your website but you don't actually know is happening – such as cookies and IP addresses. However, there will be some items you know about – such as contact forms, newsletter subscriptions and e-commerce transactions.

What counts as personal data?

Any data that can be used to identify a person directly or indirectly is classified as personal data.

For example: Name, Address, Email Address, Location Data, IP Address

GDPR applies to every website if any of the following applies:

  • Your site has a contact form
  • Manage an online store
  • Your website collects emails and sends newsletters
  • Your site has a member registration system
  • You are using cookies
  • You have a statistics system
  • You record, in any way, data of your website visitors

Data encryption with SSL

All user data transfers, not just transactions, must be encrypted and secure. Already, all Onscreen Web Services hosting accounts provide this feature, completely free of charge. Use it, and ensure that your site respects, and at this point, the privacy of those who trust you with their personal information.

User notification and consent in the processing of their data

In every process of receiving data from your website visitors through filling in forms, of any form (user registration, contact form, etc.), express consent to the retention and processing of these data should be given. If there is a possibility of transmitting the data to third parties, it must be explicitly mentioned, and there must be a special consent for this.

Ability of data deletion

You should give the users who have provided their information the possibility to delete this information or to revoke, for example, the permission they have given you to send them newsletters.

Privacy protection policy

There must be a special text, where it will be mentioned as clearly as possible

  • the way your website collects, processes and stores the data your users’ trust
  • the time that this data is kept
  • the process by which users can view and delete data stored on your systems
  • if third-party cookies are used, if the IP addresses of site visitors are recorded or if remarketing practices have been adopted


In the event that cookies are used on your website, its visitors must be informed, so that they give their consent, and are informed during the continuation of their navigation.
The portal fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Δημαρχείο Σαλαμίνας


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• 189 00 • Σαλαμίνα

Τηλέφωνο: (+30) 213 2027300

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